The Wolf Who Became a Shepherd

A wolf was finding sheep more difficult to hunt of late, so, foxily, he changed the way he looked.

As shepherd he bedecked himself with coat and crook and pipes. To clinch the ruse, he wrote “Guillaume” upon his hat, and added, “Keeper of This Flock.”

His costume complete, the fake Guillaume crept softly toward the fold, his forepaws clutching crook. The real Guillaume was stretched out on the grass asleep, as were his dog and half his flock. The wolf, ignoring these, resolved to lead the rest away, by mimicking the shepherd’s voice.

But here his plan unraveled.

His high, hoarse, inhuman voice resounded far, and woke sheep, dog, and shepherd. The exposed impostor could not defend himself, nor could he flee: for coats on wolves but serve to paralyze.

Some chink appears in every cheat’s disguise.